Although there is a space below each post for your comments, readers may want to leave a comment unrelated to any specific post. For general comments, I suggest that you click on "Quick Comments" in the Label Section (right side of page) and comment at the bottom of that post. That will group general comments and make them easier to find.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Invitation to Guest Author - Test

Here is how it will work if I invite you to post directly to "The Bunkhouse" blog. I sent an invitation to Terry at her e-mail address. I then went to Terry's computer, found my request in her inbox, and responded as if I were her. To do so, you click a link. To post a blog, requires that you have a google account. If you don't have one already, I recommend opening a Gmail account before you respond to the guest author request. (Gmail is a handy and free e-mail service.) If you open your google account prior to responding to the invitation to be a guest author, your user name and password will be fresh in your mind when you proceed.

You then follow the on-screen directions.

As soon as the administrator of the blog (that's me) acknowledges your request, you are then free to post as frequently as you wish and 24/7. I'm now at Terry's computer and creating this post.

This might be intimidating at first but the learning curve is fast. I also uploaded one of Terry's flower photos as and experiment; it was easy. I simply clicked the "Add Image" icon at the top and selected a photo.
You will notice that the lastest post will take the place of the previous one at the top of the post screen. "Change of Pace" will either show below the new post and/or at the blog archive link in the right column.
Some of you e-mailed me that you had attempted to comment but ran into difficulty. Check out the three comments at the bottom of the "Change of Pace" posting on hints about how to comment.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Yes, this appears pretty the Niobrara picture...I'd like to 'capture' it.
    Annie Peterson Johnson

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Yes, this was easy, great picture of the Niobrara River, I'd like to 'capture' it.
    Annie Peterson Johnson

  3. Thanks Annie

    I snapped that Niobrara photo with my trusty Argus C3 Matchmatic, 35mm camera that I bought at Links drug in Ainsworth, Nebraska. It was in the Fall of 1959 when I was about 15 years old.

    The view, up river and toward the Keya Paha County side, is from just down river of our Niobrara Canyon Ranch. The photo is also in black and white and on page 133 in my book, "Good Times in the Badlands."

  4. That WAS easy! I had to smile at the link on the panel on the right--"Getting down to the last gas ..."--and wonder who will lay claim to that! We'll see if this works. Thanks, Raleigh! You just may put a certain hometown newspaper out of business.

  5. Thanks Marcia - and welcome to the bunkhouse.

  6. Sounds like you are picking up some steam and getting a few responses. I am sure this will weed out a lot of readers as it is much easier to open an e-mail, however this way is much easier to post responses Remember the old steam engines we had coming through on the rails, it takes time and a lot of puffing, some wheel spinning but eventually the train moves, Good Luck

  7. Andy, Trish & Andy II3:21 PM

    I'm reading as I can get to this. I think it's great, and I'm sure those who don't like change, will find it okay : )
    Yesterday was a nice 51 out. We did a double take to make sure that was a true temp. reading. It was a bit nippy due to the wind. Today, it has reminded us that winter is still here and spring is in the future. It's 30 out, so a bit different than last time.
    For those who knew my husband and his family. Andy's brother Lee passed away recently. He went the cowboy way, out feeding his animals. The service will be in OR from what we've heard. A very sad time for his sblings who are left. Please keep them in your prayers, Thanks.


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