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Friday, April 30, 2010

Cleaning the Cobwebs from the Bunkhouse

I thought I'd better write something so you devoted followers of this blog won't give up. I had hoped that by now, some of you writers who jumped through the hoops to get your independent posting credentials would have added your two bits worth and, therefore, kept it active for me, but the ol' bunkhouse has stood empty since my last posting of 3 March. Apparently the blog is "out-of-sight and out-of-mind."

Terry and I have been keeping rather busy since then. We decided to paint the interior of the bunkhouse and have made a valiant start. For those of you who have painted, you know that the easy part is picking up the roller or brush. The hard part is moving all the furniture, cleaning the surface, filling the dings and dents, masking the trim, cleaning up and moving everything back. We painted a couple of bedrooms and bathrooms and then our project was taken over by other events.

My 93 year-old step-mother, Alice Emry, caught an 18-wheeler to Dallas, Texas where we picked her up and brought her to Austin to stay with us for about three weeks. We had a fine time showing her the sites and wearing out a deck of cards playing Kings on the Corner.

We then took Alice home to O'Neill, Nebraska in time to celebrate my mother, Ortha Emry's 87th birthday in Ainsworth. We spent a week plus the two bookend weekends in the Middle of Nowhere.

We are now back in Texas and catching up. We may reinitiate our painting project although the great outdoors has now taken center stage on our chore list. This spring has been one of the best. The long-overdue winter rains have really touched off a colorful show of wildflowers this year - but with those came the fast growing weeds and grass.


  1. See Juanita's comment of 30 April under the 3 March "Miss the Mississippi" post.

  2. See Larry Coleman's comment of 30 April under the 11 Feb posting "Carbon Footprints"

  3. Anne Coleman Vaughn also posts a comment on 30 April under the posting "Carbon Footprints."

  4. Gosh, I admire Alice for catching a ride in an 18-wheel'er. Good for her!

    I've neglected my blog, too. Just seems like there are so many other things piquing my interest. I just don't quite get things done as quickly as I used to either. Can't imagine why!? LOL

  5. My wife's dad alway said of retirement: "I get up with nothing to do and at the end of the day I'm half done". I really enjoy the freedom we have to either finish or postpone a project. Dave


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